zaterdag 22 augustus 2009

How things can go

It's strange and also nice how things can turn out in ways you don't expect. This morning we went to a baseball club (honkbal in NL). We wanted to show Joran Peanutball (baseball for younger kids) and hoped he could also join the game. The coach let him play with the team, although he only played it once with school. During the game we chatted with a mother of one of Joran's team members. She told us that in Heemskerk (village next to Beverwijk) voltige lessons were held where her daughter and son would go as well. Voltige can be best explained as "gym on a horse". Joran needs to move, and Peanutball is not the sport for him. He needs to stay still, and can only run after he hit the ball.
So, this afternoon we decided to visit the manege to inform ourselves about the voltige. The manege was very good maintained and there was a nice and peaceful atmosphere. It really was a pleasure to be there. We watched a "normal" horse-riding lesson, which all the kids liked very much. Joran at one point said that he liked it more than the Peanut-ball!!
The voltige teacher wasn't present, so we got her email-address, to ask her if Joran can start with the lessons. We don't have an answer yet, but I think that won't be a problem.

It's incredible how things can turn out. If we hadn't gone to Peanutball we wouldn't have chatted with the other mother and we wouldn't have gone to the manege. I think this is no co-incidence!!

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